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  • ID:9436-7493

    (翻译)When heat is generated by plastic deformation or due to friction, the heat should be conducted away at a rate high enough to prevent a severe rise in temperature. The main difficulty experienced in machining titanium, for example, is caused by its very low thermal conductivity. Low thermal conductivity can also result in high thermal gradients and, in this way, cause inhomogeneous deformation of workpiece in metalworking processes.

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  • ID:9436-7493

    (翻译)When heat is generated by plastic deformation or due to friction, the heat should be conducted away at a rate high enough to prevent a severe rise in temperature. The main difficulty experienced in machining titanium, for example, is caused by its very low thermal conductivity. Low thermal conductivity can also result in high thermal gradients and, in this way, cause inhomogeneous deformation of workpiece in metalworking processes.


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    (翻译)The branch of scientific analysis which deals with motions, time, and forces is called mechanics and is made of two parts , static and dynamics
