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  • ID:9121-12875

    According to the passage, standardized tests work most effectively when ___________.
    A. the user knows how to interpret the results in advance.
    B. the objectives are most clearly defined.
    C. the persons who take the test are intelligent or skillful.
    D. they measure the traits or qualities of the tests

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  • ID:9121-13183
    Critics believe that the control of television by mass advertising has ______ the quality of the programs.
    A. lessened B. affected C. effected D. declined


  • ID:9121-12419
    Directions: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding answer on ANSWER SHEET.

    The kids who grew up on “Star Trek” can’t find ___36___ way around Earth. Americans can___37___direct to England, but only half can find it on a map of Europe. They can fly almost___ 38___in the United States for a few hundred dollars, but they put New York State in 37 placed on both coasts. When they look for the United States__39___ , they spot it in China, Australia, Brazil, the Soviet Union, India and Botswana. For people who are supposed to be leaders of the__40 __world, Americans are___41 ___ dumb, according to a survey conducted for the National Geographic Society. In many school systems, geography has been mixed with history___42___melted down into social studies. Social studies has been processed into “teacher resource packages” and___43___of good writing, excitement, color and any ideas that aren’t simplistic, too__44___and too deadening to hold students’ attention.
    In the last few years, evidence of America’s educational__45___has prompted hundreds of studies, generated baskets___46___legislation and moved parents into advocacy groups. But there’s little to show that the trend has been___47___. No matter___48___you try, you can’t make it seem funny that many Americans say pandas come from Panama, the Summer Olympic Games were held in Vietnam or___49___ Iraq, and Columbus was trying to get to Europe when he bumped into___ 50___.
    36. A. it’s B. the C. their D. a 
    37. A. write B. fly C. dial D. drive
    38. A. somewhere B. anywhere C. anytime D. everywhere 
    39. A. itself B. themselves C. for themselves D. by itself
    40. A. tough B. free C. cruel D. real
    41. A. geographically B. especially C. somewhat D. extremely
    42. A. and B. or C. which D. while
    43. A. dreamed B. consisted C. cheated D. robbed
    44. A. dark B. bright C. yellow D. gray
    45. A. priority B. inferiority C. short backs D. controversy
    46. A. full of B. with C. according to D. out of 
    47. A. stopped B. followed C. reversed D. appreciated
    48. A. how B. if C. whether D. don’t 
    49. A. may be B. on the contrary C. instead D. maybe
    50. A. the Pacific B. Spain C. the Atlantic D. America


  • ID:9121-12282
    We have arranged to go to the cinema on Friday, but we can be _______ and go another day.
     A. reliable B. probable C. feasible D. flexible


  • ID:9121-13045
    Directions: In this semester you are required to read 3 or 4 English novels. Please choose your favorite novel and write a summary in your own words with at least 150 words. 


  • ID:9121-12372(本题为引用材料试题,请根据材料回答以下问题)
    Which of the following symptoms will distinguish the flu from a cold?
     A. A stuffy nose. B. A high temperature.
     C. A sore throat. D. A dry cough.
