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  • ID:9121-11859

    Houses in Arabia _______.
    A. have thin walls painted white B. are box-shaped
    C. have many windows D. always have water tanks on the roof

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  • ID:9121-12797(本题为引用材料试题,请根据材料回答以下问题)
    The author of the passage is primarily concerned with ______.
    A. revealing a commonly ignored deficiency
    B. proposing a return to traditional method
    C. describing an attempt to correct a shortcoming
    D. assessing the success of a new pedagogical approach


  • ID:9121-12428(本题为引用材料试题,请根据材料回答以下问题)
    Parkour participators ______.
    A. aim to exploit their potential strength B. move the longest distance The following are parkour techniques EXCEPT ______.
    A. reducing energy waste during the process B. making poses while moving at speed
    C. fighting against someone blocking the path D. preventing oneself from being injured or hurt


  • ID:9121-12400
    To drive safely, you should check and _____ the brakes regularly.
    A. achieve B. attach C. adjust D. admire


  • ID:9121-12410
    I usually listen to the weather _______, though I have little faith in it.
    A. broadcast B. prediction C. forecast D. announcement


  • ID:9121-12324
    ______ I saw only wildness, they saw abundant signs of life.
    A. What B. When C. Where D. Whereas
