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  • ID:8170-20877

    How far am I from a good english language teacher?


    Think of these six characteristics again and make a self-assessment to see whether you have the potential of becoming a good language teacher. Try to evaluate yourself in terms of the 3 dimensions. The numbers going along with each dimension indicate your confidence in this particular dimensions. I stands for least confident, while 5 stands for most confident. Circle the number in accordence with your own case.

    1.       Linguistics competence    5    4    3   2    1

    2.       Personality              5    4    3   2    1
    3.      Professional qualities      5    4    3   2    1

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  • ID:8170-20880

    Unit 2 what makes a good English language teacher?


    Each student is to make a list of the top six basic qualities that a good language teacher should possess. The following adjectives might be helpful for this purpose.


    Kind          creative        resourceful     flexible     humorous

    Dynamic       patient         attentive       intuitive     caring

    Authoritative    well-informed  warm-hearted   accurate    disciplined

    Speaking clearly  hardworking  well-prepared   enthusiastic   professionally-trained

    Articulate       strict          fluent in English



    These characteristics can be broadly categorized into 3 classes, i.e, linguistic competence, personality and pedagogical skills. Try to regroup the adjectives listed above in terms of 3 classes. Some other classes may be suggested if you find the adectives can hardly fall into these 3 categories.

    1.       Linguistics competence

    2.       Personality

    3.       Professional qualities


    Now choose 2 or 3 most important characteristics of a good English language teacher from each class. Discuss these qualities and try to draw a profile of a good English language profile of a good language teacher :

    A good English language teacher is :                                                 



  • ID:8170-20877

    How far am I from a good english language teacher?


    Think of these six characteristics again and make a self-assessment to see whether you have the potential of becoming a good language teacher. Try to evaluate yourself in terms of the 3 dimensions. The numbers going along with each dimension indicate your confidence in this particular dimensions. I stands for least confident, while 5 stands for most confident. Circle the number in accordence with your own case.

    1.       Linguistics competence    5    4    3   2    1

    2.       Personality              5    4    3   2    1
    3.      Professional qualities      5    4    3   2    1
