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  • ID:8141-1802

    The central processing unit (CPU) is the heart of the computer systems. ( )


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  • ID:8141-2570

    (阅读选择)One great benefit of the Web is that it allows us to move information online that now resides in paper form. Several states in Americaare using the Web in a profound way. You can apply for various permits or submit applications for business licenses. Some states are putting up listings of jobs—not just state government jobs, but all the jobs available in the state. I believe, over time, that all the information that governments print, and all those paper forms they now have, will be moved on to the Internet.

    Electronic commerce notches up month-by-month too. It is difficult to measure, because a lot of electronic commerce involves existing buyers and sellers who are simply moving paper-based transactions to the Web. That is not new business. Microsoft, for example, purchases millions of dollars of PCs online instead of by paper. However, that is not a fundamental change; it has just improved the efficiency of an existing process. The biggest impact has occurred where electronic commerce matches buyers and sellers who would not previously have found each other. When you go to a book site and find an obscure book that you never would have found in a physical bookstore, that is a new type of commerce.

    Today, about half of all PCs are still not connected to the Web. Getting communications costs down and making all the software simpler will bring in those people. And that, in turn, will move us closer to the critical mass that will make the Web lifestyle everyone's lifestyle. One element that people underestimate is the degree to which the hardware and software will improve. Just take one aspect: screen technology. I do my e-mail on a 20-inch liquid crystal display (LCD) monitor. It is not available at a reasonable price yet, but in two years it will be. In ten years, a 20-inch LCD with much higher resolution will be commonplace. The boundary between a television set and a PC will be blurred because even the set-top box that you connect up to your cable or satellite will have a processor more powerful than what we have today in the most expensive PC. This will, in effect, make your television a computer.

    Interaction with the Web also will improve, making it much easier for people to be involved. Today the keywords we use to search the Web often return to too many articles to sort through, many of them out of context. If you want to learn about the fastest computer chip available, you might end up getting responses instead about potato chips being delivered in fast trucks. In the future, we shall be either speaking or typing sentences into the computer. If you ask about the speed of chips, the result will be about computers, not potatoes. Speech recognition also means that you will be able to call in on a phone and ask if you have any new messages, or check on a flight, or check on the weather.

    To predict that it will take over ten years for these changes to happen is probably pessimistic. We usually overestimate what we can do in two years and underestimate what we can do in ten. It will not be too long before the Web becomes as much a way of life as the car.

    Choose the best answer according to Passage

    1. Electronic commerce becomes a new type of commerce when

    A paperbased transactions are moved on to the Web
    B the efficiency of the existing process is improved by Internet
    C new buyers and sellers find each other on the Internet
    D a book site offers the books several bookstores have altogether

    2. The use of computer will be as common as the use of cars when

    A governments begin to move administration on-line
    B electronic commerce causes a fundamental change
    C computer and communication become simpler and cheaper
    D the boundary between the computer and the TV disappears

    3. What is the current problem with the Web according to the passage?

    A Too much information. B Lack of response.
    C Ineffective interaction. D Slowness of speed.

    4. The example of potato chips is used to illustrate

    A the defect of computers at the present stage of development
    B the similarity between a computer chip and a potato chip
    C the richness of information available on the web
    D the irrelevant responses the web sometimes offers

    5. The passage is mainly trying to show that

    A the web is becoming a way of conveying information
    B the web will bring about a new way of life
    C electronic commerce develops with the internet
    D interaction with the Web will become easier


  • ID:8141-2591

    (阅读判断)Since World War II, computer scientists have tried to develop techniques that would allow computers to act more like humans. The entire research effort, including decision-making systems, robotic devices, and various approaches to computer speech, is usually called artificial intelligence (AI). Most AI efforts remain in the research labs. A collection of AI techniques that enables computers to assist people in analyzing problems and making decisions, called knowledge-based expert systems, however, has recently proved its value, and numerous commercial applications are now underway. Expert systems are being developed to assist manages with complex hardware, and aid mechanics in troubleshooting locomotive problems.

    As recently as 1980, expert systems research was still confined to a few university research laboratories. Today, the United States,Japan,England, and theEuropean Economic Communityare all in the process of launching major research programs to develop and implement expert systems in the near future. Many Fortune 500 corporations are assembling AI departments, venture capitalists are rushing to invest in entrepreneurial expert system companies, and expert systems technology is well on its way to commercial success.

    Decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false (F) according to the passage

    1) Decision-making system and robotic device are both AI techniques

    2) AI techniques enable computers to assist people in analyzing problems and making decisions.

    3) Expert system has proved its value since World War II.

    4) Expert systems research is still confined to a university research laboratories today.

    5) Expert system will earn a good future in commerical application.


  • ID:8141-1796
    1.随机存储器 2. 局域网
    3. 计算机辅助设计 4.数字视频光盘

    5.通用串行总线 6. 面向对象编程

    7.集成开发环境 8. 结构化查询语言

    9.多文档界面 10.企业之间的电子商务交易方式


  • ID:8141-1787

    The diskette at a fixed speed of about 300 revolutions per minute.


  • ID:8141-12007

    What is the main feature of queues?
