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  • ID:9121-12930

    What are nitrates used for?
    A. They preserve flavor in packaged foods.
    B. They preserve the color of meats.
    C. They are the objects of research.
    D. They cause the animals to become fatter.

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  • ID:9121-12996(本题为引用材料试题,请根据材料回答以下问题)
    While sleeping, some water mammals tend to keep half awake in order to ________.
    A) alert themselves to the approaching enemy
    B) emerge from water now and then to breathe
    C) be sensitive to the ever changing environment
    D) avoid being swept away by rapid currents


  • ID:9121-12925(本题为引用材料试题,请根据材料回答以下问题)

    The case history of the twins appears to support the conclusion that _______.
    A. individual with identical brains seldom test at same level
    B. an individual‘s intelligence is determined only by his environment
    C. lack of opportunity blocks the growth of intelligence
    D. changes of environment produce changes in the structure of the brain


  • ID:9121-11606

    Alice was a B-plus student through her first three years at college. During the winter holidays in her senior year, while she was driving during a storm, her car ran off the road and hit a tree. Alice banged her head on the steering wheel but never lost consciousness. She was treated for bruises and discharged from the hospital within a day. But, back at her studies, she began to have difficulties. Suddenly her As and Bs were becoming Cs. She had trouble remembering what she had read and was irritable and easily distracted. Alice was referred to a neuropsychologist for further examination. Although her IQ had not changed and standard neurological tests were normal, detailed neuropsychological tests showed she was having memory problems. She could still process new information, but it took longer than before and she became “overloaded” if she tried to do too much at once.


  • ID:9121-11888
    Interestingly, __1__ Chaplin came from Britain, he was __2__ popular in other countries than in his own mother country. The truth is that most English people __3__ the Tramp a little __4__. It was generally thought __5__ them that he had __6__ of an eye for the ladies __7__ his clothes gave him an appearance more __8__ an Italian waiter than __9__ else. __10__ the image was not gentleman-like according to many English people.
    __11__, the silent movies helped Chaplin to __12__ his true nationality from American audiences. He __13__ making a talking movie __14__ 1936 when he __15__ a nonsense language which sounded like no known nationality. He __16__ said he thought of the Tramp __17__ an educated man who had fallen __18__ hard times. The truth is, however, that he was probably popular because he __19__ as character who revolted __20__ the privileged classes.
    A for
    B against
    C by
    D away from


  • ID:9121-12363(本题为引用材料试题,请根据材料回答以下问题)
    Refined table manners, though less popular than before in current social life_____
    A. are still a must on certain occasions
    B. axe bound to return sooner or later
    C. are still being taught by parents at home
    D. can help improve personal relationships
