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  • ID:9121-12827
    With the price ___________, the fruits are selling much better now.
    A. lowering B. is lowered
    C. having been lowered D. is being lowered

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  • ID:9121-13090

    The ________ of the scientific attitude is that the human mind can succeed in understanding the universe.

    A) essence B) texture C) content D) threshold


  • ID:9121-12235(本题为引用材料试题,请根据材料回答以下问题)
    The word “stereotyped” (underlined in paragraph 2) probably means _________.
    A. with individuality B. dull C. a type of man D. a kind of sound effect.


  • ID:9121-11874
    Interestingly, __1__ Chaplin came from Britain, he was __2__ popular in other countries than in his own mother country. The truth is that most English people __3__ the Tramp a little __4__. It was generally thought __5__ them that he had __6__ of an eye for the ladies __7__ his clothes gave him an appearance more __8__ an Italian waiter than __9__ else. __10__ the image was not gentleman-like according to many English people.
    __11__, the silent movies helped Chaplin to __12__ his true nationality from American audiences. He __13__ making a talking movie __14__ 1936 when he __15__ a nonsense language which sounded like no known nationality. He __16__ said he thought of the Tramp __17__ an educated man who had fallen __18__ hard times. The truth is, however, that he was probably popular because he __19__ as character who revolted __20__ the privileged classes.
    A too much
    B too many
    C too little
    D too few


  • ID:9121-11842
    A transformation is occurring that should greatly __1__ living standards in the developing world. Places that __2__ recently were deaf and dumb are rapidly acquiring __3__ telecommunications. Many developing countries are planning to invest vast sums of money __4__ their telecommunications networks to allow them to __5__ with developed countries. They believe this will __6__ foreign and domestic investment. However, how fast these nations should push __7__ is a matter of debate. And some developing countries __8__ experience in weighing costs and choosing between technologies. Vietnam, __9__ particular, though desperate for any phones, requires that all mobile phones be expensive digital models. Still, there is __10__ dispute that communications will be a key factor __11__ the winners from the losers. Over the next decade, China plans to pour some $100 billion into telecommunications equipment. Telecommunications is also a key __12__ Shanghai’s ambition of becoming a top financial center. Shanghai plans to be as electronically advanced __13__ New York. __14__, some other developing countries and areas such as Hungary, Latin America, and Thailand are all hoping to jump into the modern world __15__ means of telecommunication revolution. For countries that have lagged __16__ for so long, the temptation to move ahead in one jump is hard to __17__. And __18__ the mistakes they’ll make, they’ll persist ―__19__ day they can cruise alongside Americans and Western Europeans __20__ the information superhighway.
    A Therefore
    B Consequently
    C Meanwhile
    D Instead


  • ID:9121-12860
    Passage Two
    What you give your relatives, friends, husband, or wife can help you know yourself better. Also, what they give you can tell you something about their personality. Most gift-giving (and getting) shows nothing more than the spirit of love and friendship. But it is possible to form some associations between the kinds of things bought and the people who buy them. Here is a guide to who gives what ---and why.
    The clothes you wear tell something about your personality. They tell the world not only how you want to be seen but how you see yourself as well. When someone gives you something to wear that agrees with your self-image, they’re saying, “I agree with you. I like you the way you are.” Such a gift should be taken as a form of compliment. On the other hand, a gift of clothing that does not match your personality could be an insult to your character.
    Making something by hand has become the exception in many countries today--- so much that giving a homemade gift is sometimes considered unusual. If you receive a homemade gift, you’re lucky. It may not be made perfectly, but it will show a certain quality of love. People who give homemade gifts may be said to be very generous. They’ve given time and emotion, two important characteristics of being creative.
    A person who thinks of food when thinking of a gift is a good example of what human warmth means. Whether you gibe a box of chocolates, a bag of oranges, or a ball of cheese, all carry the same message of comfort and support.
    People who give books as gifts either like reading or would like everyone to think they do. If you happen to receive a large, heavy book, its giver may be much more interested in the way things appear than in the way they actually are. Of course, reading is a way of feeling the emotions of another person and of learning new things. Giving a book can be a way of sharing a feeling or a newly learned meaning. The giver is probably trying to say to you what the book said to him.
