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  • ID:9121-12271

    ____ achievement, last week’s ministerial meeting of the WTO have earned a low, though not failing, grade.
    A. In term of B. In case of C. As a result of D. In face of

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  • ID:9121-13070

    Im leaving this job because I’m tired of being _________.

    A) pushed ahead B) pushed around

    C) pushed off D) pushed away


  • ID:9121-11894
    Directions: For this part, you are required to write a composition on the topic Does a Student Need Private Tutoring? You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:


  • ID:9121-12788(本题为引用材料试题,请根据材料回答以下问题)
    It can be inferred from the last two paragraphs that ______.
    A. everyone would like to widen their cultural scope if they can
    B. the obstacles to overcoming cultural parochialism lie mainly in people's habit of thinking
    C. provided one's brought up in a culture, he may be with bias in making cultural evaluations
    D. childhood is an important stage in comprehending culture


  • ID:9121-12916
    I only caught a ________ of the woman, so I couldn’t remember what she looked like.
    A. sight B. glimpse C. stare D. look


  • ID:9121-13130

    Are we fated to repeat the past because our memories are too short? Wasnt World War II supposed to provide a(n) (51) ______ that would end all wars? Why are we still fighting? As people around the world (52) ________ the agonies of war, is it possible to even hope for a brighter tomorrow?

    A recent study revealed that the (53) ______ of wars in the world is actually decreasing. I hardly believe this means we (54) ________ historic praise for greater understanding of our fellow men. While the number of traditional wars may have (55) _______ slightly, acts of violence around the globe are on the increase.

    The end of World War II left us with an opportunity (56) _______ seen throughout historyto start over. But, instead of seizing that opportunity and (57) ______ the safety and well-being of all peoples, rich nations took advantage of the poor. We cannot continue with the (58) _______ that our actions in other parts of the world are without (59) _______ at home. If we do so, the (60) _______ efforts of the soldiers of World War II will have been a waste. We will simply repeat the wars of the past.

    Word Bank

    A. assumption B. accepting C. guaranteeing D. assure E. heroic

    F. consequences G. rarely H. endure I. persisted J. deserve

    K. decline L. shrink M. quantity N. desire O. resolution
