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  • ID:9121-12181
    He _____ the job because it involved too much traveling.
    A. turns in B. turns out C. turns over D. turns down

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  • ID:9121-11866(本题为引用材料试题,请根据材料回答以下问题)

    The word "crib" in the phrase "cribs for infants" means _______.
    A. copy B. bone C. foods D. a bed for new baby


  • ID:9121-14758

    Hurricanes are killer winds, and their ________ power lies in the physical damage they can do.

    A) cumulative B) destructive C) turbulent D) prevalent


  • ID:9121-11868(本题为引用材料试题,请根据材料回答以下问题)
    Housemen do the following except _______.
    A. washing window
    B. serving foods
    C. running errands for the housekeeping department
    D. cleaning draperies


  • ID:9121-11624

    Always put the comma inside quotation marks, the professor said.

    Then she added, The same goes for the period.

    Does the same rule apply for the question mark? he asked.

    Only if the entire statement is a question, she replied, and never add a comma after a question mark. Also, be sure to lowercase the first word of a continuing quote that follows an attribution and a comma.

    However, you must capitalize the first word of a new sentence after an attribution, she continued. Do not forget to open and close the sentence with quotation marks.

    Why are there no quotation marks after the wordcomma at the end of the fourth paragraph? he asked.

    Because the same person is speaking at the beginning of the next paragraph, she said. Notice that the new paragraph does open with quotation marks. Note, too, that a quote inside of a quotation needs a single quotation mark, as around the word comma above.


  • ID:9121-12317
    A. metonymy B. parallelism C. personification D. hyperbole E. alliteration
    F. euphemism G.. metaphor H. irony I. oxymoron J. Transferred epithet
    All her dissatisfaction and weariness vanished from Mary's mind while the delicious feeling of comfort that overcame her at having done this work with her husband. ( )
