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  • ID:9121-11879
    Interestingly, __1__ Chaplin came from Britain, he was __2__ popular in other countries than in his own mother country. The truth is that most English people __3__ the Tramp a little __4__. It was generally thought __5__ them that he had __6__ of an eye for the ladies __7__ his clothes gave him an appearance more __8__ an Italian waiter than __9__ else. __10__ the image was not gentleman-like according to many English people.
    __11__, the silent movies helped Chaplin to __12__ his true nationality from American audiences. He __13__ making a talking movie __14__ 1936 when he __15__ a nonsense language which sounded like no known nationality. He __16__ said he thought of the Tramp __17__ an educated man who had fallen __18__ hard times. The truth is, however, that he was probably popular because he __19__ as character who revolted __20__ the privileged classes.
    A Therefore
    B However
    C Moreover
    D Instead

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    Mary left the old house in a hurry, looking frightened, as if she _______ a ghost there.
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    We have arranged to go to the cinema on Friday, but we can be _______ and go another day.
     A. reliable B. probable C. feasible D. flexible


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    It is desired that he_____everything ready by tonight.
    A. will get B. would get C. will have got D. get


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    His sudden blindness _______ him _______ the joy of seeing the beautiful world.
    A. robbed; of B. deprived; with C. robbed; off D. denied; of


  • ID:9121-12799(本题为引用材料试题,请根据材料回答以下问题)
    Which of the following is a disadvantage of the strategy employed in the experimental scholarly methods course?
    A. Students were not given an opportunity to study women writers outside the canon.
    B. Students had little background knowledge for further research.
    C. Most of the students in the course had little opportunity to study 18th century literature.
    D. Students were not given an opportunity to encounter certain sources of information that could prove useful in their future studies.
