ID:8141-12006 1. UNIX can be used on 2.detects or writes magnetized spots on the iron –oxide coating of the tape. 3. Computer systems consist of . 4. We can view the relationship between EDI and EFT as . 5. We test a program in order to demonstrate . 6. A maintainable design implies that. 7. In the Microsoft Office 2000 you work with. 8. Linux is a system. 9. Time sharing can be got by . 10. Integration level of IC is doubled every two years, it is called . a. hardware and software b. the cost of system changes is minimized c. menus and toolbars d. PCs, minicomputers, mainframes e. husband and wife f. read/write head g. the existence of an error h. free i. multiprogramming j. Moore’s law?xml:namespace>