ID:9582-11744 How to negotiate The US is an attractive market. Its business culture, which has brought the world “shareholder value” and “IPOs”, has been leading commercial thinking in recent years and will continue to do so. But whoever wants to succeed in the US needs to remember the rules of the game. US business is described by the lyrics of the song New York, New York: “If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere!” Yet a euphoric approach to business is by no means enough. Although business communication in the US is pleasant and easygoing, it is at the same time ruthlessly focused. Communicating is natural talent of Americans. When negotiating partners meet, the emphasis is on small talk and smiling. There is liberal use of a sense of humour that is more direct than it is in the UK. If you give a talk in America, you should speak in a relaxed way and with plenty of jokes to capture your audience’s attention.
ID:9582-11723 The State Educational Commission, the Ministry of Finance and the State Price Bureau stipulatedthat these students should pay 80 percent of the cost of their education. ( )
arranged B. advocated C. stated clearly D. stimulated
ID:9582-11720 Shanghai, for instance, exempts the children of revolutionary martyrs from paying tuition. ( ) A.charges a little for B. makes free charge for C. reduces the charge for D. Both A and B
ID:9582-11660 Even advocates acknowledge that distance education isn’t for everyone—that it takes independence, self-discipline, and a lot of motivation to succeed. Further, the quality of distance-degree programs is uneven. “A majority of universities have entered the distance-learning market rapidly and are not well prepared,” says Vicky Phillips, coauthor of the The Best Distance Learning Graduate Schools (Princeton Review Publishing, 1999, $20). “Students run the risk of being guinea pigs.” Thus, it’s important to consider an array of factors before choosing a school: accreditation, program history, cost, academic field, residency, and technology. What do “guinea pigs” (Line 6) here mean? A. Pigs raised in Guinea. B. Pigs raised by Guineans. C. Persons used as subjects for experiment. D. Persons used by Guineans as a subject for experiment.